To our valued patients,


We hope you and your family continue to be healthy and safe. Our community has been through a lot over these last few years, and all of us are looking forward to resuming our normal habits and routines. While many things have changed, one thing has remained the same: our commitment to you and your health and safety.

We have been implementing plans to be at the highest possible health standard for our patients and dental team. Infection control has always been a top priority for our practice both before and after COVID-19. Our office follows infection control recommendations made by the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to ensure everyone’s safety.

As of April 3rd 2023 there have been some updates to the Covid protocols previously in place. Below is a list of some of the enhanced precautions we have taken to protect you. This is in addition to extensive team training on infection control and patient management procedures. These precautions ensure the safety of our patients, staff, and community.

Pre-Screening -  We will still be screening all patients and team members daily to be sure no one is experiencing symptoms such as fever and cough. If you have a fever, cough, or any flu or cold related symptoms we ask that you please reschedule. We also ask that if you have tested positive for COVID-19, you inform the office prior to your dental appointment. We ask that there has been 10 days since your diagnosis/on-set of symptoms, and you have no continuing symptoms. We are a pro-vaccine office and encourage all staff and patients to be up to date on all vaccines and boosters.

 **Face coverings - Beginning April 3rd face masks will be optional for patients, visitors, and workers not preforming clinical procedures in the dental office as per new guidance from the Department of Public Health. This guidance follows the termination of California's pandemic State of Emergency on Feb. 28th 2023.

Prioritizing Cleanliness -  We adhere to our usual high level standard precautions throughout the office, but we have added these enhanced protocols to ensure your safety.

-          We have hand sanitizer available when you enter the office.

-          Before we begin your appointment we will provide an antiseptic mouth rinse for you to use as a pretreatment rinse.

-          You may see that our waiting room will no longer offer magazines, or coffee and snack station, since those items are difficult to clean and disinfect.

-          We have added air purifiers through out the office to help remove contaminants from circulating in the air.

-          Before you enter the treatment rooms, all surfaces such as the dental chair, and light, drawer handles, and countertops have been thoroughly disinfected with medical grade disinfectants that have been proven to treat COVID-19.

-          Disposable protective coverings on equipment are disposed of and replaced after each patient.

 We value your loyalty, trust, and patience and look forward to continuing and restoring your dental health!


Dr. Sholer and staff

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Jeffrey R. Sholer, DDS
We Create Beautiful Smiles and Healthy Patients

San Jose Dentist, Dr. Jeff Sholer is a professional dedicated to Excellence in General, Family, & Cosmetic Dentistry such as Dental Makeovers, Porcelain Veneers, Teeth Whitening, Crowns/Caps & many other dental procedures. Please come and visit Dr. Jeff Sholer and Associates in San Jose.

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